如何提高自己的针刺临床效果 How to improve the clinical effect of Acupuncture
All kinds of acupuncture methods have certain curative effect. How to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of each group of acupuncture methods is an essential lesson for every acupuncturist. First of all, we must understand the difference between the specific and non-specific curative effect of acupuncture treatment, and how acupuncture works. Only by clearly understanding these contents can we get twice the result with half the effort and further improve our clinical effect. Then our efforts can only get half the result with half the effort.
Time: 5/1/2021 9am-1pm
This workshop will be held on ZOOM.
Please register and we will send you more information about how to participate.
Please register to get more information.
For more information, contact: 21tcmconngress@gmail.com
595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvale, California 94085, United States
The virtual Congress is free, but generous donations are strongly urged to kindly support the Congress and future programs and clinical services for the underserved. In order to improve the health of everyone, everywhere, all over the world. Won't you please donate for this wonderful event?