在这場肆虐全球的新冠疫情中,芳香疗法以其方便高效的特点, 在防疫抗疫中受到使用者的由衷称赞。 芳疗不仅抗疫防疫有效, 对身心各系统的疾病或失衡, 都可帮助有效迅速地调理纠正。为了更好地推广普及这项古老医术, 我们准备近期开班授课。课后您将会熟悉掌握以下信息。
1. 芳疗简史, 芳香植物的分类, 以及精油化学结构及其对应的療愈功能。
2. 如何甄别精油的品质和选购原则
3. 精油的使用方法和安全,调配复方精油的 方法
4.芳疗的实际应用: 家庭保健, 内外妇儿, 痛症治疗,情绪平衡, 新冠防疫抗疫策略
5. 应用芳疗,快速提高中医针灸的疗效
6. 芳疗手法介绍:康复理疗5手法,各系统的细胞律动疗法
-----------------------------------------In this covid-19 pandemic that is raging around the world, aromatherapy is wildly praised by users for its convenience and efficiency. Aromatherapy is not only effective in fighting covid-19, but also in management of the various body and mind problems.
In order to better promote and popularize this ancient healing art, we plan to open a classes in the near future. After class, you will master the following knowledge of aromatherapy:
1. A brief history of aromatherapy, the classification of aromatic plants, and the chemical structure of essential oils and their corresponding healing functions
2. How to identify the quality and purchase principles of essential oils.
3. The use and safety of essential oils, the method of blending essential oils
4. Practical application of aromatherapy for family health care, adults, women and children, pain management, emotional balance, COVID-19 prevention and management strategies
5. Combine aromatherapy with TCM and acupuncture,to make the therapeutic effects more profound and lasting 6. Introduction to aroma manual techniques: 5 methods of rehabilitation therapies , and spinal therapy of various systems
This class will be taught by Dr. Margaret Mei, a rehab physician in NYC and a senior aromatherapy expert.
In this covid-19 pandemic that is raging around the world, aromatherapy is wildly praised by users for its convenience and efficiency. Aromatherapy is not only effective in fighting covid-19, but also in management of the various body and mind problems.
In order to better promote and popularize this ancient healing art, we plan to open a classes in the near future. After class, you will
Time: 5/2/2021 9am-1pm (PST)
This workshop will be held on ZOOM.
Please register and we will send you more information about how to participate.
Please register to get more information.
For more information, contact: 21tcmconngress@gmail.com
595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvale, California 94085, United States
The virtual Congress is free, but generous donations are strongly urged to kindly support the Congress and future programs and clinical services for the underserved.
In order to improve the health of everyone, everywhere, all over the world. Won't you please donate for this wonderful event?