Course Subject: Introduction to Cardio Taiji & Safe Landing in Falls
Instructor: Chi-hsiu Daniel Weng,PhD President , US Collegiate Taiji Federation; Founding Professor of Cardio Tai-chi , accredited course offered at De Anza College, California 2010.
Qualification for participation :General adults with healthy conditions with no background of any Taiji training.
I Class content :Some frequently used Taiji techniques to be chosen for Cardio Taiji workout inclusion .Chosen techniques consist of various patterns of footwork and hand skills providing training opportunity to all part of the body 。Learning materials include the principles and guidelines of selecting suitable techniques for particular purpose as well as compliance to cardio exercise format. Some often used safe landing skills in alignment with Taiji principles are also included.
II Expected learning outcome :
1)Being able to design and choose techniques to be custom tailored set of Cardio Taiji
2)Knowing how to assess the effectiveness of rooting practice undertaken based on Dr Weng’s Cardio Taiji progressive self learning chart and making adjustment on progress pace and modality for better result
3)Capable for assessing from time to time the improvement of fitness including cardio vascular endurance, weight control, ,coordination and balance etc.
4) Will be able to land safely in falls to prevent injury.
III Time of class :Four hours class to cover general concept and techniques of Cardio Taiji
IV Equipment: Sport attire , towel, notebook. Mat or rug
V Fees:$50.00 for the course
ㄧ. 研習內容:擷取太極拳部份常用招式編配成有氧運動選項。招式涵蓋不同步法手勢及方向變化達到全身部位鍛煉效果。有氧運動選配目標與規定操作模式原則要領皆為研習要點。遵循太極原則之常用安全倒地技法為課程ㄧ部份。
二. 預期效果:1)能夠自我設定 按需求而量身打造的有氧太極招式組合做為練習套路。
三. 課程時間:四小時研習演練做為概括性學習活動。
四. 裝備: 運動鞋及服飾,拭汗毛巾,地毯或墊子,筆記本。
五. 研習費:$50.00
Time: 4/30/2021 1pm-5pm
This workshop will be held on ZOOM.
Please register and we will send you more information about how to participate.
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595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvale, California 94085, United States
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